Best Friends

Best Friends

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear Geek Girl: how i plan on messing up my life in one day

I love Eli.

It's awful but I really think I do, and I don't even understand why. I mean he's a cute kid and all. but that's the problem. HE'S A KID. He is exactly one year and seven months younger than me. (Yes I did the math) But i went to dinner with him and Emily and he paid for me..... grrrr. and then we spent two hours in Emily's room all cuddling on her bed.... that doesn't sound right.  but it was fun. :) but i like him too much. this is a problem. because......
a. he's a pre missionary
b. he doesn't even like me
c. we're in the same show with me
d. we have the entire year together still.
e. i'm an idiot
please help me,

i need it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Geek Girl:

I GOT THE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this my friend is just the beginning. soon you will be seeing my name in lights all over Broadway!!! i have rehearsals from now till September 30th. I'm also dying my hair blonde for the role. i'm so happy to be blonde again. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dear Geek Girl: First Day Jitters 'n such

So first day of classes. very uneventful. I only got lost several times instead of the several hundred of last year. My computers class is going to be so boring. filled with everything I learned five years ago.  so hopefully something has changed. I need to buy Microsoft office so there goes another $60 out of my account. :(  yuck. college so far has been nothing but one large bill. 
One a happier note I made cookies today. I was going to half the recipe but then i realized that i didn't know how to half an egg....... lame. so now I have too many sugar cookies that I'll probably send with Eli just to get rid of them.
Can I just say how happy I am that no one but us will ever read these. so now i have a place to vent about awful roommates and annoying boys and embarrassing moments without worrying about it's effects on the rest of my life.  Because you know in the theatre (and everywhere else) your reputation is everything.
Sooooooo..... roommates =S everyone and their dogs knows my room combo. yup. because stupid people with their stupid boyfriends knows then all of their friends know and then people walk in when i'm strutting around in my underwear. oops not my fault. lol
I love you
wish me luck
Broadway barbie

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

back in Wyoming

Dear Geek Girl,
Well here I am. back in the land of the wind. Today I had the "kick off day" for the school where they jet this really boring "inspirational speaker" who goes on for HOURS about going to class. and geez i'm paying about $30.13 an hour to be there so yeah i'm going to go to class. then the theatre department went to the park to do an activity and now i'm  laying in my room being bored. I MISS YOU!!!! I've met at least a dozen new people but i don't remember a single persons name. I'm horrible. but it's only been the first day. How did your first day go? I want to hear all about it. I'm free for the rest of the day. i'll probably go dance in the dance studio and work on my audition piece. my audition is on Thursday at 4:50.
FUNNY STORY- okay so last night I went over to dusty's and we put in little red riding hood, the new one, and started cuddling. well he kissed me and I then had the awful feeling that i was going to throw up. well not trying to be rude I ignored it for a few more minutes then claimed that I was going to call it a night and bolted. I made it outside just in time to puke all over the parking lot. I had three different people stop to ask if i was okay and half of me was just like  "sure! i'm great! i'm just like the feeling of vomiting! have a nice day! ugh."

love ya
Broadway Barbie

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Broadway Barbie

School starts again next Monday. This has been the most intense and short lived Summer of my life. But thank the heavens I never have to take Organic Chemistry again! I'm glad you were able to visit for a while; getting used to you being gone is going to suck. I feel like I'm losing everybody this next week. You'll be back at your school, Darren will be at "Hauvawd Law school", Stephanie lives is married and living in Arizona now, Jake's moving back to school today and wont have a car. Ugh. No one's going to have any time anymore and that includes me. My schedule is insane; Tannya has me working eighteen hours a week on top of my full class schedule. Calculus scares me like crazy; it's almost tempting me to transfer to Jake's school for a semester so I can take Calculus from him. I would rather die than live in that tiny town forever away though... Lets audition for disney land? I think we need to get away for a semester. Maybe I just need to slow down. Everything's spinning around my head so fast I can't even figure out what I want anymore. This whole Jake thing has  totally screwed me up.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just another day

Dear Geek Girl,
Today's title comes from the musical "Next to Normal". Have you heard of it? It was overly hyped up..... but not too bad. Today is...... Just another day.  Nothing good nothing bad but, Hey! at least I'm Alive. There's the silver lining. Do you remember when we used to play that game? Sometimes it was the only thing that kept me from ripping my hair out and screaming. I have decided to bring that back...... the game not the rip my hair part.that might help next semester with my crazy roommates and all of the drama in the Theatre Department. This is just the calm before the storm. Can't you feel it? like something is about to happen and you just have to brace yourself.Whatever it is It's going to be good. but for now i will worry about what I'm going to eat for dinner and let Everything else go away. 

I need to find a song for my audition for "The Drowsy Chaperone". I am the one who will be the star of the show. Will you help me? I'm thinking of "Man Wanted" from the musical Copacabana and "Maybe I Like It This Way" from the Wild Party. Let me know what you think. Because if I'm going to be on Broadway by the time I'm twenty 26, I am going to have to be amazing. and i will be. I just need a little work.

Kisses <3
Broadway Barbie