Best Friends

Best Friends

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dear Geek Girl: First Day Jitters 'n such

So first day of classes. very uneventful. I only got lost several times instead of the several hundred of last year. My computers class is going to be so boring. filled with everything I learned five years ago.  so hopefully something has changed. I need to buy Microsoft office so there goes another $60 out of my account. :(  yuck. college so far has been nothing but one large bill. 
One a happier note I made cookies today. I was going to half the recipe but then i realized that i didn't know how to half an egg....... lame. so now I have too many sugar cookies that I'll probably send with Eli just to get rid of them.
Can I just say how happy I am that no one but us will ever read these. so now i have a place to vent about awful roommates and annoying boys and embarrassing moments without worrying about it's effects on the rest of my life.  Because you know in the theatre (and everywhere else) your reputation is everything.
Sooooooo..... roommates =S everyone and their dogs knows my room combo. yup. because stupid people with their stupid boyfriends knows then all of their friends know and then people walk in when i'm strutting around in my underwear. oops not my fault. lol
I love you
wish me luck
Broadway barbie

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