Best Friends

Best Friends

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Broadway Barbie

School starts again next Monday. This has been the most intense and short lived Summer of my life. But thank the heavens I never have to take Organic Chemistry again! I'm glad you were able to visit for a while; getting used to you being gone is going to suck. I feel like I'm losing everybody this next week. You'll be back at your school, Darren will be at "Hauvawd Law school", Stephanie lives is married and living in Arizona now, Jake's moving back to school today and wont have a car. Ugh. No one's going to have any time anymore and that includes me. My schedule is insane; Tannya has me working eighteen hours a week on top of my full class schedule. Calculus scares me like crazy; it's almost tempting me to transfer to Jake's school for a semester so I can take Calculus from him. I would rather die than live in that tiny town forever away though... Lets audition for disney land? I think we need to get away for a semester. Maybe I just need to slow down. Everything's spinning around my head so fast I can't even figure out what I want anymore. This whole Jake thing has  totally screwed me up.

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