Best Friends

Best Friends

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Actionary is Back

Fuck Jake.

And that's all there is to it :] He doesn't deserve me, I'm leaving him in the dust, this is the end of line, hast la vista baby, I wont be back, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way, this girl is long gone, I'm not your toy, erase me, I'm not a doll and this ain't a doll's house, don't tell me you love me, don't confess, do it alone, cry me a river, clarity, circle of life, the winner takes it all and I'M ON A BOAT BITCH!

Can you tell my ipod's on shuffle? Well it's time to make a Jake CD. 
I called him and we talked. He's gone into his bishop; I'm going into mine. He apologized which I appreciate. But I realized as I talked to him that I have so much more to offer than he has to offer me. I'm tired of selling myself short. I will be everything I dream of, and that girl is much too good to drag his ass along with me. [After this blog I'm gonna stop swearing]

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Master Yoda

I don't want to drag myself down anymore. In order to organize my thoughts, I intend on making several lists. I'll begin with the list of everything I'm setting my goals to become.

Tricia's Ideal Self:
  1. Graduate with a Bachelors degree in Chemistry
  2. Hold a current temple recommend
  3. Participate in at least one Orchesis concert
  4. Weigh 125 lbs.
  5. Be accepted to a graduate Chemistry program in California
  6. Hold a career where research is a possibility.
  7. Become a spokeswoman for a Woman's Center or some type.
  8. Become scuba dive certified
  9. Learn to do a back flip on the trampoline
  10. Become proficient in research methods
  11. Go to Vegas for a weekend just for the hell of it
  12. Learn to surf [at least the indoor kind]
  13. Get good at snowboarding and own a board and boots.
  14. Own a chick bullet bike 
  15. Be an inspiration
  16. Become personally acquainted with Jesus Christ
  17. Read the whole Bible
  18. Be consistent in attending an institute class.
  19. Sing in front of a real audience again
  20. Successfully pass Calculus 3
  21. Love myself
  22. Sport blonde hair for another Summer or two
  23. Paint my living room with a red accent wall, own mahogany furniture, and keep white couches.
  24. Own an American Eskimo dog.
  25. Collect comic books that I buy at yard sales.
  26. Throw a glass of water at my date and yell "You cad!"
  27. Ride the tallest roller coaster in the world [or a really really really tall one]
  28. Play on a rec volley ball team.
  29. Have you as my best friend forever and always
  30. Be your maid of honor at your wedding
  31. Spoil the crap out of your children
  32. Design a house for myself
  33. Vote in local and federal elections
  34. Be completely honest. 
  35. Be fabulous in every way on this list and many more. 

I want you to know that I love you; you have been the best friend I've ever had. I'll never leave you. And I have faith that Christ will never leave me. I know that the atonement is real, and I know that I will be clean again. I will do my best to serve the Lord my God.
Much love,
your very best chemistry major

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