Best Friends

Best Friends

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A New Fashion Thing

 The inspiration for this combination: my obsession with the 90's, going bra-less, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

 I couldn't find any particular pictures of her dress that looks like this, but it catches the essential elements I do believe.

The dress has a square cut body and high neck line: classic nineties.
The real shine is in the accents; black tights are sexy, warm, and still showing enough of the body shape. The nineties may have gotten a lot of things wrong, but the way to show a woman's butt is nt one of them.
The boots are just because they're fabulous. Gold matches gold in the dress, the black goes with nothing but the black sweater I put over it to make it more modest. But it's sexy right? ;]

Friday, October 21, 2011

Broadway Barbie:

         It scares me when you talk about having children :) You're barely turning twenty. Yes, yes keep thinking too the future. Just don't forget to be twenty with me for a while :P
Glad Eli is being nice and things are going well :) Emilywhat'sherbucket is out of le picture?

Tell me what else is going on. What are you doing now that Drowsy Chaperone is over? How are your classes?

Today is my Fall break; I'm spending pretty much all day at work. And I stayed up waaay too late last night.

Just kidding, not way too late. I had planned on going dancing and staying out later. But because I didn't get my wonderful sleep that comes from exhaustion after three hours of dancing, I feel really sleepy. I was at Jared's til about twelve. We made things blow up :)

We made NI3 by mixing ridiculously concentrated ammonia with iodine crystals and then filtering out the excess liquids. When it dries you get nitrogen triiodide. This explodes if the wind blows too hard and a loud pop with a characteristic purple iodine cloud. You remember how iodine sublimes purple at room temperature, yes? Needless to say, Jared has a cabinet of chemicals in his closet and I am sooo jealous! I think I'm going to apply for the stockroom job here at school so that in about a month Jared and I can clean out the cave [aka: big dark room full of old nasty chemicals and lots of unwanted but wonderful equipment and such] and I can take home whatever Dr. Seager will let me have and play chemistry on my own time!!! I'm so jealous; Jared is so ridiculously smart. He's being doing the kind of Chemistry I've been reading about for years, but actually buying the chemicals and doing it.
View 102011170...jpg in slide show

This is Jared drooling over a newer model of a gun him and his Dad have been shooting for years. Can you imagine what it would have been like to have a father? On the upside, my Dad's around now and Jared's Dad lives in Washington and never sees him.

I am now playing a game of catch up in a world where Daddy left, Tricia never got ballet lessons, or expensive chemicals as a child. Can I you imagine how smart or talented I would have been if my parents weren't so dumb? ;) Hahaha don't tell my Mom I said that; she's fabulous in every way. I just wish I was smarter.

Nonetheless, I will continue studying and praying and hopefully someday I'll get where I'm going. Wherever that is.

The Things I love about October:
  • Pumpkin ice cream from Farr's, Macey's, or anywhere else that has it.
  • New pumpkin flavored Jamba juice which has just the right amount of weird to convince you you're being healthy. [But seriously, really good. This is a recipe that could easily be accomplished with almond milk, nut meg and pumpkin]
  • Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
  • Haunted houses everywhere: I am trying to get to Haunted Forest this year!
  • An excuse to throw on a dress and a tiara and play like the seven year old I really am.
  • Pumpkin carving
  • The opportunity to help everyone with costumes
  • Classic scary movies
  • Your birthday (28th)   
  • Tasha's birthday
  • Heather's birthday (28th)
  • Grandma's birthday (28th)
  • and I'm sure there's more but I'm tired to typing in bullets.
View 101711203...jpg in slide show This is the pig, that turned into the pig from Angry Birds. Now I need to make a bird pumpkin haha :P
I am missing you lots this weekend and hope you will have a fabulous time doing whatever fun you and Eli can find! I will send you pictures of my suuuuper sick make up technique that I'm trying for witches' night out tonight.

Happy haunting and much love! xoxoxox
Geek Girl

Broadway Barbie:

Please don't have children yet. Love best friend.
Glad you and Eli are getting along so well these days :) Emilywhat'sherbucket is out of le picture I assume?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dear Geek Girl: trying to not read in to it too much

So you know how Eli is addicted to Star wars? Well they released the original Star Wars action figures and of course Eli had to buy them. Well I was making fun of him saying with his luck one of his kids will find them and open it to play with them making them worthless. well he said he would let his kids play with them. then I asked what would happen if his kids were not Star Wars fans. and he responded saying Our kids will have to be star wars fans. well i kinda sat there for a minute not sure what to say and he said. you did realize that i said our kids right? then he said if we are going to have kids i'm going to have to admit that i like star wars more than i like star trek...........and since then he's made several comments like that.... about us being together.
EEEKK!!!! *Happy Dance*
okay okay i'm over it but i wanted to tell you

love ya,
Broadway Barbie

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dear Best Friend; trying not to overreact with concern

Um lots of the things on your list are good.
Being temple worthy and like Christ especially. But Kristal, that sounds like hell. You're pretending to be something you're not. It's impossible to be contradictions of yourself. I find it hard to believe there's a reality in which a fifties consumerist doll can exist with an intelligent woman. I encourage you to strive to be talented and to develop your mind and abilities. That's a groovy idea! But it sounds like you're almost willing to allow someone else control of your life. The only will you should be submitting to is that of your Father in Heaven. He's really the only one that matters; and if you do what He asks first He'll give you everything else that you want. Being brunette has nothing to do with anything and you look better as a blonde. Perfect nails and no make up? You may as well wear sweats with sparkly stillettos. You love sparkly things; you love your ostentatious, unique, and beautiful style. I don't want to lose you to an idea. It's good to think about what you want; so could you tell me what it is you want exactly? I see your plan of how to get what you want, but I'm lost as to what you're actually trying to get out of it. Be careful. You're a strong and beautiful woman. Nobody is perfect and we all have improvements to be made; turning into a Barbie is not one of them. From the honest parts of my heart, your last blog sounds like an ambition for Stepford. (And no, this has nothing to do with your obsession with Matthew Broderick.)
I want you to be happy. I'm glad you're thinking about what will make you happy. But you of all people should remember your theatre roots. What about "You Can't Take It With You"? Were you happy being stuffy Mrs. Kirby? Things of this world like nails don't make us happy. Learning more about ourselves and the people around us is what makes us happy. You deserve somebody who loves you. Just you. Not your idea of who you wanna be, just you. You are incredible; you'll continue to become more amazing as time passes and you improve and replace bad habits with good ones and learn new things and go through new experiences which change your mind about things. Don't make yourself for a man; make yourself for you. Be happy with you! If you're not happy, by all means change something. But damn it don't just be somebody's idea. You're more than idea. You're a daughter of God. You have immeasurable power for good and equal opportunity for evil. Choose good; I know you will, but I'm just reminding you. You are who matters to Him and to me.
You are my perfect best friend.
Have you been reading your scriptures?
I've decided there is no way on earth I am not getting A's this semester. I am going to work my butt off. I am smart enough; I am going to take better care of myself so I can show that on my tests.
Which reminds me, go buy a pomegranite they're in season and they have lots of antioxidants :]

I am moving in with Troy's ex girlfriend Suzy. Hahahahaha hopefully she doesn't remember me! This will be my new place . I will have my own bathroom and share an apartment with two other girls. It is cute :) I am excited.
Know what else I'm excited for? HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!
Are you coming down for Frightmares?
Check out my second costume:
I need a bright yellow or blue or red wig, [and a high def camera] but essentially the idea is 70's style comic book damsel. What do you think?
I also have a really awesome masquerade make up trick that I am dying to try out! I made new fake skin and I'm ready to zombie it up! :D Are you going to be down for Halloween stuff at all? Your birthday is coming up!
What do you want for a present? Let me know :)

This is the view from my new cabin: are you down to come play?
That is Bear Lake :) I have a lake!

Xoxoxoxoxox looooooooove you!

Friday, October 7, 2011

My New goal

Okay so here's that deal. 
I want to be Eli's type and i know that's dumb and such but i'm going to try anyways so here's what i'm going to do.
1. Go brunette
2. Stay temple worthy
3. Not care what people think
4. Be well rounded
5. Stay in shape
6. Have an educated opinion about everything
7. Keep up my appearance 
8. Learn to be more "house wifeish"
9. Be always pleasant
10. Treat Everyone with respect
11. Learn how to communicate better
12. Be Supportive
13. Learn to not nag
14. Sing and dance in the kitchen
15. Strong personality
16. Wears an apron with pride
17. Smart
18. Well cultured
19. Well educated
20. Confident and bright
21. Christian
22. Republican
23. Can Cook
24. Starts with emails ends with a book
25. Speech as polished as freshly done nails
26. Nails Always done
27. Little to no make up
28. Flawless Grammar
29. Words of intelligence and level of competence
30. Be able to Discuss current events
31. Make plans
32. Smile
33. Volunteers in neighborhood
34. works day and night
35.Paint, Sudoku, quilt
36. Be Calming, 
36. Be soothing38. Be Humble
39. Be Modest
40. Be Dedicated